"Our God is an Awesome God" is the song we are singing tonight to prepare for Vacation Bible School. It is also perfect to describe our day today. Just a few blocks from our mission house, is the Mafikeng Game Preserve. This is where our awesome day began. Join us....
We then moved from one of God's most awesome creations to another. The people of Dihatswane are just wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14 I praise you because of the wonderful way you made me.
Two Nelly Anns. What are the chances?

Do the wives of pastors all get a special gift for knowing the correct color to wear??!?!
Another line from a song comes to mind..."the joy we shared as we tarried there".
Our day ended with packing the school supplies into bags and preparing the lesson for our first day of VBS....
As Pastor Kassebaum led us in a devotion of reflection on our day. Every single person in the group said the worship service led by Pasor Mpho was the highlight of the trip.
The joy of praising and worshiping together as brothers and sisters in Christ can only be surpassed by the day we get to praise together with Christ in person!
Good Night from just one of the places Victory is being and making disciples for the Glory of God
in a church without borders.....
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