For some of us the 15 + hour flight covering 12,400 miles in a metal tube with engines was a leap a of faith. Watching the crew efficiently feed and manage this little city in the air was fascinating. The motto must have been keep them fed and all will be well.
Things are beginning to look different. When the left rear tire blew, it felt very odd to pullover to the left side of the road. Loretto and Rick soon had us on the road again. Off to the Road Kill Cafe for lunch.
Cindy from Orchard Africa was there to meet us upon our arrival in Johannesburg. We also were greeted by Mike Tessendorf, one of the founders of Orchard Africa at the airport. Before we knew it, Cindy had us checked in to our hotel, fed again and tucked in for a much needed sleep. Up until this point not much has been different. The city of Johannesburg is modern and our rooms are very much like home.
Our morning began with a lesson on South African history. The similarities to the founding of the United States are fascinating. The only problem was technical difficulties with the computer and projector....just like home! Soon we were once again loading the luggage...Sue do you have 16?
Loretto, our driver is here. After hugs from each of previous trips we are loaded up and ready to go!
The last leg of our days journey begins. The scenery looks much like Arizona. We are all eager to see the village of Dihatshwane. Papa Joe is there to meet us as we drive in. The world looks different as we leave the van. Dirt roads and houses with tin roofs and dirt floors. Papa Joe points out a one room house that is home to 8. The kitchen is the fire outside. As we walk around the village we are soon joined by the children. Yes, this why we are here. The most touching moment of the day? When Sue first realized the little girl walking beside her is Doll the little girl who spent the afternoon sleeping in her lap. I will never forget the look on both of their faces. Love is the same in any language!
Fantastic! We reminded everyone at church today to pray for you all! Can't wait to hear more of your adventures and God's blessings!