Our final day in Dihatshwane
We began our day with 67 minutes of service in honor of Nelson Mandella. The 67 minutes honor the number of years Mandella had served South Africa the year he turned 90 years old.
First, we picked up trash around the church area. This area also serves as a playground for the children. The children were there to meet us upon our arrival. With smiling faces surrounding us, this felt more like play than work.
The children jumped right in to help carry the trash. They also made sure to take care of us.
The Victory mission team also served by clearing the grass near the church in the village of Dihatshwane. In Arizona we would call working with flat shovels and small pitch forks hard labor. In Dihatshwane they call it everyday work.
Many of the villagers came to help us and to serve their community..
We do have to admit they cleared the grass much more quickly than we did!!
After 30 minutes of shoveling grass in the rocky terrain, we began to understand the need for breaks to supervise the work.
Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us service is love. It is the surest way to build lasting
friendship and community. We are all inspired to come home and serve those who cross our paths.
We had the honor of serving the children their food for the day. This too, is the
bread and wine of communion.
The extra slices of bread were the hit. The adults had more fun than the children. Perhps Rick, Don and Nelly were the children!
During lunch lessons were given to Remedial Rick,
we are cheering his accomplishment of learning to add 2 + 2..... :0)
During VBS the children were taught the Story of Easter by Pastor Kassebaum,
translated by PaPa Joe
The children created artwork to remind them of the love of Jesus and our love. One side had a picture of the child and the other had a picture of the Victory Mission Team.
The "Pick Jesus" bags were the hit. A prized treasure to be sure.
The Mommas came out to play with us too.
The village children who were not a part of VBS this time, entertained us with traditional dances. Pastor Joe, Pastor Mpho, Pastor Uncle "D" and Pastor Kassebaum each shared a farewell. We are sorry we can't upload the videos. We will share them as soon as we get home.
Rejoice is 12 years old. She was the song leader of the dance group.
The remainder of the day was spent just sharing. Below is Doll, the girl who sat in Sue Privett's lap last time. She loves to wear hats. The panda hat she is wearing was sent
by Eileen Hernandez's daughter, Dominique.
Principal Octavia drove out just to say good by. She promised to wear her
crown the first day of school. She is the Queen of our hearts!
Good bye to the Orchard Africa staff from left to right
Papa Joe, Uncle "D", Cindy Nelson, Pastor Victor
Our Good byes....
Name tags were exchanged to pray over.

The children have become very good at taking the pictures.
There was seldom a moment there was not a little boy in Remedial Rick's lap or arms.
Farewell from Dihatswane....
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