Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Big Rock Candy Mountain

It's hard to believe we are almost already at the finish line. This week has absolutely flown by and as I type this Sue and Rod are sorting through the remaining luggage to fish out all the school kits and treats that we will be handing out on our final day tomorrow.

Round two of contagious laughter: This morning we went to visit the pre-schoolers in Molelwane. After they sang us several songs in English, (including the entire alphabet with an associated word, "a-a-apple, b-b-banana", etc.) we brought out the infamous sheet and tennis ball for tossing and they went into hysterics. Also notable; the children's crowns we brought for the kids were all too big and had to be re-sized for their petite heads. Imagine an adorable toddler singing and clapping as the bright yellow ring slowly slips over their eyes and they begin walking blindly, bumping into one another. We prayed over them, held them tight and said goodbye.

Mama Elisa then took us on her walking tour to visit patients in need. We were once again humbled, but also pleased to see more men actively involved in the community as well as as clean neighborhood that obviously took pride in its appearance.

Sticky fingers and scraps of paper stuck to your know it's been a good day at VBS! Pulling up to the "tin church" today we were given a huge gift. The song Devon has been teaching the group in English wafted out through the windows in perfect unison. Considering they have only heard it a few times over several days and only the 6th graders have a working knowledge of English...I will admit I got choked up. (Can you tell it's Kimberly writing today?)

The unveiling of Flat Stanley: While I wonder how much of the Flat Stanley story was "lost in translation" from English to Setswana, the kids were thrilled to make Flat interpretations of themselves today. Western culture dictates that most Americans draw ourselves as symmetrical, pasty, linear looking beings... today was a lesson in self image. Unusually shaped noses paired with high, wide set eyes and under-eye lashes; while they surprised us, nonetheless they were all beautiful. The best part of the Flat villagers are the names the children gave them. Setswani names may look complicated and sound intimidating, but every child is distinctly aware of their name's meaning- and very proud. We will be bringing home five new "friends" from Dihatshwane to visit; Tumelo (faith), Tebogo (thank-you), Thato (love), Mpho (gift), and Tshepo (hope).

We really hope that everyone at Victory will take advantage of "visiting" with our new friends and taking them around the country on various vacations. Our team goal is to bring back each village friend next year with their own photo album from traveling in the states.

After telling the story of David and Goliath, we decided to go with a "theme candy" and hand out Pop-Rocks at the end of the day. We couldn't resist teasing the kids a little, knowing they had never experienced the sensation before... We had them stand in a big circle and on the count of three, dump the candy into their mouths. Some spit it out, others looked confused, but all laughed and asked for more to take home, eager to play the prank on their families.

If there is anything I could impress upon you all at home about today's experience and what we are learning here; it is that even in the dustiest, most forgotten about places in the corner of the world, there is unmatched brightness and joy. The children here have a very real possibility of changing the world, and we should be doing everything in our power to help them!


  1. You guys are doing an amazing job of being the hands and feet of Christ. I am so proud of each of you and cannot wait to have this experience for myself one day. Enjoy your time while it still remains. I am anxious to see you on Monday!

  2. The week goes way too fast, doesn't it?!? Your experiences with the children, the caregivers and the villagers will be with you and them forever! Next year our team will be soooooo big we will have to charter our own plane to get us all there! Can't wait to get a flat Stanley and take him to Disneyland and MN!!
